Alpha Chi Omega sisters across the country share a common bond: their passion for making a difference. For two sisters, this passion not only unlocked rewarding careers but also forged a strong friendship.
Katie and a friend during her collegiate experienceKatie Flaherty (Gamma Pi, University of Tampa) always knew she wanted to join a sorority, and after becoming a member of Alpha Chi Omega, she fully immersed herself in the experience. Following her graduation, Katie soon began working in higher education at Florida State University. As an FSU staff member, she participated in and led team-building activities at a local camp – a place that would ultimately change her life. Right outside of Orlando, Camp Boggy Creek is a 232-acre camp that serves children who have been diagnosed with serious illnesses. It makes it possible for these children to experience all of the fun that camp offers while being in a medically-sound environment.
Kids enjoying all of the things that Camp Boggy Creek has to offer
Katie was deeply moved after visiting Camp Boggy Creek, and when a position opened at the camp in late 2023, Katie seized the opportunity. Joining as the director of outreach and development for Tampa, she quickly formed a strong connection with one of her fellow coworkers, Susan. “We’re a small team, and Susan was the last person I had met in person, and I remember meeting and telling my husband about her and saying, ‘She’s my person!’” Katie recalls.
Katie and Susan working together at Camp Boggy CreekSoon the pair realized they had much more in common than they had ever imagined. After an event at camp, the two were loading supplies into Susan’s car when Katie noticed her FSU license plate cover. Katie told Susan she previously served as the associate director for Greek life at FSU and asked if Susan went there for college. Shocked, Susan replied that she was an Alpha Chi from FSU. “I couldn't believe it,” Katie says. “I immediately told her I was an Alpha Chi.”
Susan Lee (Beta Eta, Florida State University) has been with Camp Boggy Creek for a decade, previously serving as a child life specialist, which is when she says “got bit by the Boggy Creek bug.” Now, as director of outreach and development for South Florida, Susan is able to do what she loves – help others. When Katie and Susan realized their Alpha Chi Omega connection, they were elated. “We started screaming like 12-year-old girls.” Susan says. “It was the coolest experience. It was amazing to just connect the dots and go down memory lane together.”
Susan and a fellow sister during her collegiate experience. Since discovering their shared Alpha Chi Omega bond, Katie and Susan have remained close, not just working together but also texting and calling as friends and sisters. Susan shares that she and Katie often reflect on their collegiate experiences and share stories. “Just remembering all of the wonderful things from college life, and now how it comes into my professional life, it has been amazing!” she says.
Not only has their shared connection in Alpha Chi bonded them, but their passion for helping others truly demonstrates our organization’s commitment to service. The bond that Katie and Susan share – the same bond that we all have with sisters, regardless of our chapter of initiation – lasts a lifetime and leaves an impact in our lives. As Susan says, “The synergy that we have together and just knowing that there is this common link, it’s a magical thing.”