By Kaley Lather (Kappa Xi, University of West Florida)
My journey with Alpha Chi Omega began September 9, 2012, the day I received my bid card from the Kappa Xi chapter. Little did I know how much my life would change after that moment. I fell in love with a chapter full of women who would inspire me, push me beyond my limits and love me unconditionally.
After graduation, I thought I had ended my time as an Alpha Chi, ready to take on the world with the lessons I learned as a collegian. I didn’t know that these letters would find me again at a time when I needed them the most. I was an events manager for a country club, which I thought was my dream job. Everything I had been studying for in school brought me to a roadblock I didn’t think I would ever experience. I remember hoping for something to change because I questioned my purpose in life.
I like to joke that Hera truly is our guardian, because I received a little red postcard in the mail from the Delta Pi Delta (Florida Gulf Coast) alumnae chapter, inviting me to join them for their first meeting of the 2018-19 season. I figured I would attend because I had nothing to lose, but all to gain. That decision led me to meet women who love these letters like me, come from all generations and uplift me just like my sisters in Kappa Xi did. I became the youngest member of the chapter and was warmly welcomed by our eldest member, Donna Porter (Beta Phi, Bowling Green State University, who has since passed away).
Delta Pi Delta gave me two life-changing opportunities: becoming a member of their executive board and joining the advisory board for the Kappa Chi chapter at Florida Gulf Coast University.
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When I first joined the alumnae chapter, I looked at it as a networking tool. As a career woman, I’ve learned that the best references in life have been none other than my sisters! Over time, I was given a gift far greater than a reference. I was given the courage to start over. While I am still in the hospitality field, I am now a membership services coordinator and a newly licensed Florida community association manager.
I decided that I shouldn’t let my event management skills go to waste! I served on the Delta Pi Delta executive board as the vice president of programs. My favorite memory was planning our annual Founders’ Day celebration with the Kappa Chi chapter, and watching our sisters interact with each other was truly special. Now I sit on the executive board as the alumnae vice president of collegiate relations and am truly excited for this opportunity.
Kappa Chi
Joining the Kappa Chi advisory board in 2018 was something I was excited about. I decided to start advising the vice president intellectual development, and I still advise this position today, along with the vice president recruitment. Over the years I have been the advisor for new member education, PR and marketing, recruitment, and recruitment information. These women give me the greatest gift you could give an advisor: hope for the future. I’ve learned that being an advisor doesn’t mean you get to share all your lessons learned as a collegian, which is a very surface-level approach to advising. Being an advisor truly means watching this generation of sisters become leaders in the chapter, on campus and in their community, and encouraging them to seek the heights in all their endeavors.