Convention has something for everyone! Want to experience Ritual on a grand scale? You’ll love the National Chapter Meetings. Ready to brag on your chapter? You can celebrate during national awards presentations. Excited to meet new sisters? You’ll have structured and casual networking opportunities all weekend long.
As Alpha Chi Omega revs up for our 62nd National Convention July 12-14, 2024, we heard from past convention attendees about some of their favorite parts of convention and advice for making the most of your experience in Indianapolis!
Liza’s son Asher has also had a blast at convention! Liza Pugliese Hallsten (Alpha Omega, Birmingham-Southern College) has attended six conventions and continues to be inspired. She shared, “Convention will revitalize your passion for and connection to Alpha Chi. Go to as many events and meals as you are able. Each event is special and significant in our sisterhood. If you can go early, attending the sisterhood excursions is a great way to meet new sisters in smaller group settings.” For any past chapter consultants, Liza wants to remind you about the Past Chapter Consultant Reception. “Being a chapter consultant for two years was such an exciting, challenging experience,” she said. “Reuniting with consultant friends and meeting new sisters who were also consultants is always a great time.”
Michelle Hawes (Beta Xi, Utah State University) gets to extend her role as volunteer director of the National Alumna Initiate Program at convention and also extends an invitation to you to join in welcoming new sisters! “This may come as no surprise to many – my most favorite part of convention is our alumnae initiation, hosted on Friday, the first day of convention. For whatever reason, these women did not have the opportunity to join AXΩ as collegiate members, and yet, through the National Alumna Initiate Program, they are now able to join our sisterhood!” she said. “To see the smiles and feel the abundance of joy in the room from these women and those attending is awe-inspiring."
Claire Creighton in Bellevue for convention Before Claire Creighton (Iota Rho, Loyola University Chicago) worked as a chapter consultant, she attended the 2022 National Convention as a collegiate chapter delegate. She said, “Uniting with sisters from all chapters across the nation at the Alpha Chi Omega national convention was a privilege. Taking part in Ritual, sharing wisdom, celebrating achievement and witnessing the devotion of our National Fraternity makes me only more proud to call Alpha Chi home. I am incredibly grateful to be alongside these real, strong women.”
What will be YOUR favorite moment of convention in 2024? Registration is open at the lowest rates until April 26, so visit the convention website to learn more, review the schedule of events and register today!