Connect at Convention

Connect at Convention


Alpha Chi Omega is all about connection, and one way we build connections is through Women & Wisdom. This is our signature program that provides professional and personal development opportunities for our members – and we’re bringing it to the 62nd National Convention on July 12-14, 2024! Find out how you can get involved when you’re in Indianapolis. 

Looking for a mentor? Take part in Convention Connections! Alumnae attendees can participate as mentors, mentees or both; collegiate attendees can participate as mentees. When you sign up, you’ll be matched with a sister and receive milestones to complete in your new relationship, including communicating virtually prior to convention and setting up an in-person meeting while in Indianapolis. The goal of this mentoring experience is to create intentional connections at convention and hopefully introduce you to a sister that you’d like to continue the relationship with beyond the event! To sign up, just add Convention Connections to your convention registration or email by June 9.  

Want to make connections but don’t know where to start? We have a tool for you! Each attendee will receive a numbered Race to Connect! button to wear throughout the weekend. When you see another sister with a matching button, take the leap and connect! There are no rules for what you talk about – chapter experiences, leadership positions, dream careers, volunteer roles – and you’ll walk away with a new friend! 

Ready to meet sisters across all industries? Spend some time in the Women & Wisdom Lounge. Throughout the weekend, this space will offer opportunities to learn more about getting involved, connect at interest group meet-ups and more. On Friday afternoon, we’ll have special meet-ups for Entrepreneurs and Sisters in Business, Finance and Beyond at 1:30 p.m.; Sisters in STEM at 2:15 p.m.; Sisters in Marketing and Communications at 3 p.m.; Moms, Parents and Caregivers at 3:45 p.m.; and Young Professionals at 4:30 p.m. The lounge is also the perfect place to schedule your own meet-up during the weekend! Message sisters or make a meet-up in the convention app and use the lounge as your spot to connect. Feel free to stop by the Women & Wisdom Lounge whenever your schedule allows – you never know who you’ll meet!  

Need a new headshot? Join us in the Women & Wisdom Lounge Friday or Sunday to have a professional photo taken. You’ll receive it after convention and can use it on your Women & Wisdom profile or LinkedIn bio. 

Want to learn something new? Join us in the Women & Wisdom Lounge on Sunday during convention for education sessions. You’ll learn professional development tips from HR pros, explore how to build leadership and volunteer skills, and hear from a panel of alumnae sisters across various industries. And there’s even more to learn in other education sessions throughout the weekend – check out the schedule at! 

We can’t wait to connect with hundreds of Alpha Chi Omegas as we set the pace in July!